Software clients suitable for personal usage on PC or MAC require web camera and headphones with microphone. We recommend high-quality components because the quality of the image and the sound (good microphone) is the critical aspect of high-quality telephony or video conferencing. It is natural that quality of web cameras is bellow the quality of cameras used in hardware units. Nevertheless, they are sufficient fo the personal usage and mainly they are cheaper. It is also possible to use camera embedded in notebook display frame, but its quality is bellow the quality of external web camera (for example, Logitech Webcam 920, Microsoft Lifecam Studio) and they do not allow any rotation without the change of position of the display which can be a disadvantage.

Recommended sets (camera, microphone, reproduction - all with USB connection) for small groups (meeting rooms):

  • Logitech ConferenceCam CC3000e‎
  • Logicech BCC950

Recommended web cameras for personal software software video conferencing clients are:

  • Microsoft LifeCam Studio
  • Logitech Webcam c920
  • Logicech Webcam c615

Quality headphones with microphones are necessary for the elimination of echo and for restricting the noise of surroundings. It is important for the microphone to record only the voice of attendee without the surroundings because surroundings do not have to be quiet. Headphones will restrict the noise of surroundings in time of teleconferencing or video conferencing and attendee's hands are free. Because web conferencing can often last few hours the quality headphones assure certain comfort for the user. External microphone with restricted feedback (for example, Clearone Chat 150) can be added to software client. This device is necessary in a case of more attendees teleconferencing or video conferencing in same room.

Recommended headphones with microphone and echo cancellation microphones:

  • KOSS CS100
  • KOSS SB45
  • Roccat Vire
  • Sennheiser PC161
  • Sennheiser Headset PC230
  • Sennheiser Headset PC163D
  • Sennheiser PC36
  • ClearSea Chat 50
  • ClearSea Chat 150
  • Jabbra Speak 410/510

Video conferencing client LifeSize ClearSea is available to users of CESNET e-infrastructure. There are also other compatible, but mostly commercial clients (for example Polycom RealPresence Desktop). Full but time restricted versions of the client can be obtained from the manufacturer of the client. Another variant is the open source client for example Jitsi or Linphone, which may lack in screen sharing (It is presented as another attendee).

Video conferencing on mobile platforms Android and iOS is available through LifeSize ClearSea or PolycomRealPresence Mobile which is available in Google Play or App Store repositories.

Hardware and software clients can be registered to the infrastructure. The client gains an identifier - number, which provides simple calling between clients and availability of virtual rooms on central units not only in the CESNET2 network but in foreign academic organizations too.