CESNET2 Network Videoconferencing and Webconferencing Services
CESNET provides videoconferencing and web conferencing services and IP telephony services mainly in form of infrastructure for its maintenance and consultations for members of the association. Providing infrastructure is the logical step because of the CESNETs mission. The application of acquired know-how in the field allows us to help our member in the everyday work in distributed teams and in solving specific applications in fields for example remote teaching, telemedicine and other. Infrastructure maintained by CESNET association is usable on the national and international scale.
Infrastructure is focused mainly on providing video conferencing and teleconferencing services based on Pexip MCU that is able to interconnect H.323, SIP, Lync/SfB and web client to multipoint conference rooms. We also provide web conferencing services on Adobe Connect platform.
How to test your client
There are two possibilities to test your equipment. In case you need assistance please contact us at vidcon@cesnet.cz and we will arrange date and time for testing.
Videoconference (Pexip):
To test your personal equipment use testcall:
- Registered HW and SW videoconference clients
- Number (H.323 i SIP) 950087998
- Web klient (primary way for Guests and room control)
- For VC units that are not registered
- IP: a zadat 998#
- SIP, Skype for Bussiness/Lync, Pexip iOS/Andriod/Desktop
- testcall@vc.cesnet.cz
Test room opened all the time to test connection between several participants (so called pokusna):
- Registered HW and SW videoconference clients
- Number (H.323 i SIP) 950087999
- Web klient (primary way for Guests and room control)
- For VC units that are not registered
- IP: a zadat 999#
- SIP, Skype for Bussiness/Lync, Pexip iOS/Andriod/Desktop
- pokus@vc.cesnet.cz
Webconference (Adobe Connect)
- Adobe Connect is completely independent from Pexip videoconference MCU mentioned above.
Video conferencing and web conferencing support is available at vidcon (at) cesnet.cz